Smart Green Tunisia Makeathon
The 1. Edition of the SMART GREEN TUNISIA MAKEATHON in the African continent was organized by ITQ GmbH and his Tunisian partner TPM and its SMART GREEN TUNISIA Organizing Committee.
The event was focused on Smart Home, Smart City, IoT, Automation, Robotics, Smart Farming, Smart Production, Smart Health, Smart Green Energy, Smart Mobility as well as Artificial Intelligence. The MAKEATHON tooks place as part of the Afric’Up – Africa Startup Summit the biggest event dedicated to Innovation, Digitalization and Education 4.0.
The Afric’Up – Africa Startup Summit took place in Tunis from 24th – 25th of September 2019, under the aegis and the invitation of the Tunisian Government, Smart Africa Alliance, with its Co-hosting partners GIZ & Make IT in Africa.
At the 1. Edition of our SMART GREEN TUNISIA MAKEATHON 120 participants of which 80 Young Talents from 45 universities and from 10 different countries developed a total of 11 different Team Projects during the four productive and fun days.
For the 1. Edition it was really a very impressive result!
What is a MAKEATHON?
A “MAKEATHON” is an innovative educational event in which several teams (also from different fields of studies) create and develop technological prototypes as well as innovative solutions during a short period of time. The challenges or problems could be provided whether by the sponsoring companies or within the participating teams.
The name “MAKEATHON” comes from the combination to “MAKE” and “MARATHON”. It is a special live-event where participants spend several days creating, hacking, developing, designing, and pitching a software or hardware project they have built from scratch.
The main goal of Smart Green Tunisia
The main goal of the MAKEATHON is to join forces and be a part of a strategic plan by creating a special international network and an open space for creativity and innovation. The SMART GREEN TUNISIA Team believes that young innovative students have the determination and required skills to support the objective of Tunisia’s industrial growth.
Therefore a “SMART GREEN TUNISIA MAKEATHON” could play an important role where Tunisian as well as international companies can meet with local and international students.
Make, create and invent your own innovative idea in interdisciplinary teams not only against but with each other!