ITQ in the media
In recent years, trade media has frequently covered ITQ GmbH news. Several articles and interviews by and with Dr. Rainer Stetter and colleagues have been published in national and international magazines. Inform yourself about subjects around the topics of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and innovation by reading the latest coverage about ITQ.
PC & Industrie – Digitalization without experts
PC & Industrie – December 2023: The magazine PC & Industrie informs its readers about the targeted expansion and networking of educational initiatives in the STEM sector. In order for Germany to regain [...]
PC & Industrie – Everybody wants to be influencer, but no one wants to be engineer
PC & Industrie – October 2023: The magazine PC & Industrie informs its readers about ITQ's engagement to strengthen the STEM-Education in Germany and to further connect initiatives with eachother. At this year's [...]
etz – Everyone wants to be an influencer, but no one wants to be an engineer
etz elektrotechnik & automation - October 2023: With the title "Everyone wants to be an influencer, but no one wants to be an engineer", elektrotechnik & automation magazine reports online and on its [...]