Product development in mechanical engineering is becoming increasingly dynamic. Changing framework conditions such as shorter development times and more unspecific customer requirements with simultaneous dependencies between components play a major role. This dynamic environment requires a high level of agility in order to meet the challenges. But agile working itself must also be and remain adaptable with regard to the new framework conditions.

The VDMA Agile Product Development Practice Day therefore focuses on the implementation of agile methods in mechanical and plant engineering. The tension between established corporate structures, framework conditions and new technical possibilities offered by AI will be explored in presentations and workshops.

ITQ GmbH consultants Markus Händl and Marko Nagl will be taking part in a workshop on the topic of Systems Engineering vs. Agile Engineering – two worlds? Using practical examples and LEGO Mindstorms robots, they will demonstrate that the two worlds can be combined. Challenges and advantages for industrial projects will be made clear and communicated to all participants in an interactive way.

Timing: November 19th, 2024, 9:45 am – 5 pm

Location: VDMA-Haus, Lyoner Straße 18, 60528 Frankfurt am Main

Registration: Maschinenbau Institut

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