Berliner Morgenpost – July 2021: 

The German Newspaper Berliner Morgenpost reports on its website and in its print edition about Siemensstadt Square, a former Siemens site where research into automated driving on rails will be carried out over the next four years. With the “Berliner Digitaler Bahnbetrieb” (BerDiBa) project, the State of Berlin is promoting application-related research in the field of digital rail operations as part of the ProFIT technology and innovation funding program. BerDiBa receives a grant of 7.6 million euros.

New technologies for automated driving on the rails under real operating conditions are to be researched and tested. This involves topics such as artificial intelligence for detecting obstacles in the track, dangers to passengers on the train and monitoring changes in the rail infrastructure. The basis is formed by high-performance sensor systems for perceiving the surroundings on and in the train.

ITQ GmbH is part of the “BerDiBa” project and one of 12 partners in the consortium.

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